Today is Lilah's first birthday! I haven't taken her one-year photos yet (will soon!) but I had to commemorate the day somehow. So, here's some of my favorite things about Lilah now:
Her tipsy little steps! She's walking now and takes these funny little hesitant steps that are so stinkin' cute.
Her need for speed! She still prefers crawling because she can go faster. And it's so cute when she puts her head down and gets so determined to go even faster.
So smart! She recognizes several words now and loves books and learning. She knows milk, Milo, cat, bye-bye, shoes, music, books, bath, no, mama, dada, toys, O's, grandma, grandpa, blocks, kiss...
Talking! She's saying a few words, only when she feels like it, but she's said bye-bye and mama and dada, of course. Other words come out sounding like she's trying to talk pig Latin. For example, today she was trying to say cat and it sounded more like at-kuh.
Hugs! She's still super independent and never has been much of a snuggler but I love when she gives Jeff or me hugs. And, she usually rests her head on my shoulder and cuddles before I put her in bed. Love that.
Smiles! She has the sweetest little smile and I love her laugh when I'm tickling her and she really gets going. She has two bottom teeth and four top teeth now and she has started to make this funny little squinchy face when she's being silly.
So sweet! She really is the sweetest little girl. She has her moments, is very independent, very determined, very stubborn but we got really lucky with this one.
Love you SO much Lilah! Happy birthday!